
Minnesota Youth Council Meeting at Youth Day at the Capitol

March 24, 2016
Experience youth voice in action on March 29th as the members of the Minnesota Youth Council convene for the first MYC Committee Meeting of the year! The meeting is part of Youth Day at the Capitol and is free an open to the public. Bills to be heard at committee include: 1) SF1017 – After School Funding […]

Experience youth voice in action on March 29th as the members of the Minnesota Youth Council convene for the first MYC Committee Meeting of the year! The meeting is part of Youth Day at the Capitol and is free an open to the public.

Bills to be heard at committee include:
1) SF1017 - After School Funding
Senator Kevin Dahle (MYC Legislative Liaison) Presenting
2) HF391/SF206 16 and 17 year old Voter Registration
Senator Jim Carlson Presenting
3) HF1497 Civics Test Graduation Requirement
Representative Dean Urdahl (MYC Legislative Liaison) Presenting
4) SF 990 Student Digital Backpack
Senator Chuck Wiger Presenting

Date: Tuesday, March 29, 3-5pm
Location: State Office Building, Room 300N
100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, St Paul, MN 55155

If you are not able to attend the first Minnesota Youth Council committee meeting of this legislative session, please join us at the next meeting on Friday, April 15th from 2-4pm.

An expected 200 youth and adults from across the state of Minnesota will gather for the 2016 Youth Day at the Capitol. The event is co-sponsored by Minnesota Alliance With Youth, Ignite Afterschool, Youthprise, YWCA of Minneapolis, MnAEYC & MnSACA, MCEA and Kids Vote St. Paul. Bringing together youth and youth advocates, Youth Day at the Capitol is an effort to educate policy makers about the issues that face Minnesota’s youth every day and share youth ideas and perspectives.

To learn more about how youth will be engaging at the Capitol, visit: