Best Promise Fellow Experience (So Far):
One of my best experience as a Promise Fellow may have been very recently, when I saw some of the 5th graders I’ve gotten to know well during the past year “graduate” from their elementary school. They all looked so proud and have worked tremendously hard this year! Also, one day in the after-school program, I overheard a 5th grader exclaim, “Did you know that right now the Science Museum of MN has the Dead Sea Squirrels?!!” I tried my hardest not to burst out laughing, but that small moment was also a highlight for me.
Bio: I grew up in beautiful northern Minnesota, with a great, loving, and animated family. I stayed close to home to attend the University of MN-Duluth. Along with Political Science, I was able to major in Music. I have met so many inspiring teachers and friends through music, and firmly believe that the arts can be an important tool for youth empowerment and community revitalization. After Americorps, I’ll be attending William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul and am really looking forward to that. The skills and experiences I’ve gathered during my year as a Promise Fellow with help me out a lot in this next step, which I’m very grateful for.
Favorite Quote: “Compassion is the basis of all morality.”
Hobbies/Interests: being with friends, playing violin, singing, concerts, good natured political discussions, shopping, scoping out garage sales, and walking my dogs- a Golden Retriever and German Shepherd (Rusty and Elle).
Hometown: Duluth, MN