By Gabriella Cinquini, AmeriCorps VISTA serving at Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MNEEP)
This past year, but especially these last few months, have been particularly tumultuous. The entire United States-- and world-- has flipped upside down due to insurrection, deadly viruses, racial injustice/police brutality, and so much more. It can be very easy at a moment like this to feel overwhelmed or unmotivated-- drained by the constant fight to be equal and heard. But what I have found most rewarding and inspiring in my time here is how we support and lean on one another.
We remind each other what it is we are fighting for and how now more than ever is the time to push back. Both in AmeriCorps and within MNEEP I see people who are at the forefront of change in the United States and I feel lucky to be a part of that.