The Growth Experience of a Lifetime
The Minnesota Alliance with Youth is a proud grantee of AmeriCorps, the premier national service program in the United States. When you choose to serve young people through our AmeriCorps programs, you’ll get financial support, leadership training, and the power to make a positive difference in the lives of Minnesota youth. Serving in AmeriCorps is the personal and professional growth experience of a lifetime.
Why Join the Corps?
The most important reason to serve in the Alliance’s AmeriCorps programs is the simplest: for your whole term of service, you will be making a meaningful and lasting positive difference in the lives of young people. The work will be challenging, but the rewards are profound. Hear AmeriCorps members share why they serve.
No experience necessary
If you are just entering the workforce, changing careers, or returning to work after a time away, it can be difficult to get started in a professional role. Service in the Alliance’s AmeriCorps programs is an ideal way to jump-start your career in education, nonprofits or government — with no previous experience necessary.
Few barriers to service
If you care enough to support the success of Minnesota’s young people, we believe you deserve the chance to do so. That’s why we remove as many unfair barriers to employment as possible. People with past justice involvement are encouraged to apply. There is no required drug screening. And we work hard to make service sustainable for people with limited financial means. If you have questions about your specific situation, just get in touch.
Beyond a modest living stipend throughout your term of service, AmeriCorps members are also eligible for help with student loans, money for college or trade school, childcare and transportation support, and more. Learn about all the benefits.
By design, Minnesotans of all ages and from all walks of life qualify to serve in AmeriCorps. To apply, you need to be:
- 18 or older by the time your service starts,
- a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident, and
- a GED recipient or high-school graduate.
Beyond those qualifications, you’ll also need:
- A belief in the potential of all Minnesota youth,
- a commitment to building community and addressing educational barriers, and
- the desire for personal & professional growth.
Two Ways to Serve
Promise Fellows
AmeriCorps Promise Fellows — now including the Youth Mental Health Corps! — are caring adults who nurture the promise of individual students in middle and high schools statewide.
Groundwork Fellows
Through the Groundwork Fellows program, AmeriCorps members help maintain and strengthen the vital network of organizations who support young people throughout Minnesota.
How to Join the Corps
If spending a year in service to Minnesota young people sounds like the right next step for you, here’s how the AmeriCorps application process works.

Choose Your Service
First, decide which Alliance program to apply for:
- As a Groundwork Fellow, your service will power the work of organizations that make Minnesota better for all young people.
- As a Promise Fellows, your will serve by supporting Minnesota students in grades 6 to 12 one-on-one.
Can you apply for both programs in one year? You sure can!
Apply to Serve
The simple application form takes around 15 minutes to complete. It will ask you for contact info, information about your education and work experiences, AmeriCorps eligibility confirmation, and preferences for service. It does not require a résumé, cover letter, or references. (The school or nonprofit where you’re placed may request those things later on.)
Interview with the Alliance
If you meet the qualifications to serve, the next step is an interview with the friendly staff at Minnesota Alliance With Youth. One of our team will contact you to schedule your interview. The interview is an opportunity for us to get to know you and for you to get to know us!
Invitation to Serve
If you are selected to serve, you will receive an email with the good news following your interview. Congrats! Respond to this email and start preparing for interviews with “host sites” — schools or organizations that fit your talents and interests.
Get Placed
Within a month of receiving the invitation to serve, you will have the opportunity to interview with host sites of your choosing. Placement will be confirmed upon mutual agreement from the member and host site.
Start Onboarding
Once you have been matched with host site school or organization, you’ll begin the AmeriCorps onboarding process. Your year of service is ahead of you!
Send a message to our friendly recruitment coordinator Devin Henderson.
Email Devin
Send a message to our friendly recruitment coordinator Devin Henderson.
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Learn more about our AmeriCorps programs and find answers to your questions.