Promise Fellows

I am on your team.

July 5, 2017
By Jolene Lauderbaugh, AmeriCorps Promise Fellow serving at TRIO Wolf Creek Charter School in Chisago City, MN  I have a student who is content with just getting a D in all of her classes. She will not and has not ever strove for higher. Her main goal is to run her own business but feels that […]

By Jolene Lauderbaugh, AmeriCorps Promise Fellow serving at TRIO Wolf Creek Charter School in Chisago City, MN 

I have a student who is content with just getting a D in all of her classes. She will not and has not ever strove for higher. Her main goal is to run her own business but feels that she doesn't need good grades to do so.

I meet with this student at least once a week sometimes twice. She used to be a rude roll her eyes at you and play on her phone the whole time she would meet with you type of person.

One day I said "Okay look, I know you don't want to meet with me. However, it's required for the class you're in, so let's just meet and get it over with."

She looked at me and said "Fine by me- these meetings are stupid."

After a couple weeks of this, I told her she couldn't have her phone out while we were meeting.  To my surprise, she actually put it away!

I said "Okay, since I have you attention, what can I help you with today?"

She looked confused and said "I though we only met so you could tell me how horrible I am doing in my classes."

I told her that I was here to support you her any way that she needed it. "I am on your team 100%," I said.

With a shocked look she replied "Wow.  That's cool! I?'e never had anybody on my team before."

As the next few days went by she started coming to school more and more. She now willingly meets with me and is doing her best to strive for a grade higher than a D.

[From “Voices From the Field: Reflections from Minnesota Alliance With Youth’s AmeriCorps Members.” Summer 2017.]