
Join the LightsOn Afterschool Movement

October 15, 2013
Turning the Lights On for Afterschool: Twin Cities Landmark Will Be Lit in Gold in Support of Afterschool Programs on October 17, 2013.

Turning the Lights On for Afterschool

Twin Cities Landmark Will Be Lit in Gold in
Support of Afterschool Programs on October 17, 2013

On the evening of October 17, 2013, the 35W Bridge will be bathed in golden light, joining the Empire State Building and other national monuments as part of the only nationwide rally for afterschool programs.


Hundreds of children, parents, business and community leaders will come together on October 17th for Lights On Afterschool celebrations throughout Minnesota to celebrate the achievements of afterschool students and draw attention to the need for more afterschool programs to serve the millions of children nationwide who are unsupervised and at risk each weekday afternoon. More than 7,500 such events will take place across the nation emphasizing the importance of keeping the lights on and the doors open for afterschool programs.

Governor Mark Dayton has declared October 17, 2013 to be Lights On Afterschool Day in Minnesota, recognizing that quality afterschool programs provide many opportunities for young people to participate in the types of enriching experiences that promote development and community engagement. Programs in Minnesota are grounded in the principle that investments in quality afterschool programs are key to helping our children become successful adults.

A significant body of research demonstrates that consistent participation in afterschool programs produces positive results, both in and outside of school. In Minnesota, according to America After 3PM data released by the Afterschool Alliance in 2009, 12 percent of school-age youth are in afterschool programs, while 32 percent are unsupervised in the afternoons and another 14 percent are in the care of brothers and sisters.  For more survey results, visit www.afterschoolalliance.org/AA3PM.cfm.

Lights On Afterschool is organized by the Afterschool Alliance, a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children have access to quality afterschool programs.  More information on the Afterschool Alliance and Lights On Afterschool is available at www.afterschoolalliance.org.

The Minnesota Alliance With Youth is the leading convener, collaborator, and capacity-builder for youth development in Minnesota. We work with and for youth to ensure that all young people have access to fundamental resources proven to ensure that youth succeed — the “Five Promises” — caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, effective education, and opportunities to help others. - See more at: https://mnyouth.net/about/#sthash.Q4PPIgC6.dpuf