Promise Fellows

Nell Goepel

March 1, 2010
PROMISE FELLOW OF THE MONTH March 2010 Best Promise Fellow Experience: Hands down, my best Promise Fellow experience so far was taking five of my female participants to the BWCA last fall. Coached by the direction of the Widjiwagan trip guide, the six of us conquered over the 12 days of paddling, portaging, camping, stormy weather, […]

March 2010

Best Promise Fellow Experience: Hands down, my best Promise Fellow experience so far was taking five of my female participants to the BWCA last fall. Coached by the direction of the Widjiwagan trip guide, the six of us conquered over the 12 days of paddling, portaging, camping, stormy weather, leeches and mosquitoes. We tackled these obstacles together and I proudly got to watch my young ladies grow and do things they never thought possible. Luckily this trip wasn’t all struggle and exhaustion. We also got to enjoy singing, laughing, swimming at dawn, creating new (unsuccessful) ways of catching fish, cliff jumping, exploring, storytelling, and simply just enjoying each other’s company.

Bio: I was born and raised in swell St. Paul suburbia I haven’t managed to fly too far from the nest (yet). My parents, being both teachers, instilled in me a strong value for education and community development. Given that, I attended the University of Minnesota where I studied Sociology and Business Management in hopes to someday work in a nonprofit organization. During my undergraduate studies, I spent a year as an intern at the Minneapolis Ronald McDonald House providing support and working closely with the Events Coordinator. For my senior thesis, I focused on after school programming and completed an evaluation of effectiveness for Athletes Committed to Educating Students (ACES). After graduation, my interest in youth development and need for work experience led me to become a Promise Fellow, and I am currently enjoying my second year of service at the Youth Leadership Initiative.

Favorite Quote: “Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand” ~Chinese Proverb

Hobbies/Interests: Live music, yoga, being with friends/family, running, knitting (don’t judge), soccer and dreaming of warmer weather  

Hometown: Little Canada, MN