Minnesota Youth Council

Register Today for the Congressional District 3 Youth Summit in Chanhassen!

December 13, 2013
Join us alongside youth and adults from the 3rd Congressional District on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Chanhassen High School, for a youth summit designed to help address the achievement and opportunity gaps in Minnesota.
Please Join Us!Join Katelyn Bennis (Chaska High School freshman), Micaela Jacobson (Minnetonka High School sophomore) and Tiaryn Daniels (Brooklyn Junior High freshman) alongside youth and adults from the 3rd Congressional District on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Chanhassen High School, for a youth summit designed to help address the achievement and opportunity gaps in Minnesota.

Summit Overview

The Chanhassen Youth Summit is an opportunity for youth and adults from across Congressional District 3, to discuss and respond to issues that impact the dropout rate and achievement gap in Minnesota, including bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, and crime/safety/gangs.

This summit will be an opportunity for youth and adults to discuss and work side by side to highlight efforts positively responding to the dropout rate and the achievement gap, identify support gaps, and foster action planning.  Attendees will be invited back to a statewide summit in the Twin Cities on Friday, June 13th to celebrate their on-going work and to learn from summit participants all across Minnesota.

At the Summit Participants Will:

  • Hear from youth and adults experiencing and working on these issues
  • Learn more about how bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, and crime/safety/gangs influence the high school dropout rates and the achievement gap
  • Meet in community based teams to focus on solutions to one or more of the issues addressed
  • Screen a film created by the Minnesota Youth Council in partnership with Youthprise and Intermedia Arts that represents an honest portrayal of youth experience with drugs and alcohol in Minnesota
  • Share innovative ideas that the Minnesota Youth Council can integrate into their work with the Minnesota Legislature, the Minnesota Department of Education, and through their philanthropic work with Youthprise

Who should attend:

Youth (grades 6 through 12), AmeriCorps Promise Fellows, Educators, Out of School Time Providers, Parents, Elected Officials, etc. This summit is to bring together stakeholders from all across Congressional District 3. If you are not sure which Congressional District you represent, learn more here.


Wednesday, January 22nd, from 3:30pm to 7:30pm at Chanhassen High School, in Chanhassen.

Please register today and share with your network!  

Space is limited, so please register today. Food will be provided!

Partners Include:

The Governor's Office, the Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota Campus Compact, Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota, MADD, Teenwise, and Youth in Government. This summit is supported by a strategic partnership that includes Youthprise and youthrive, as well as State Farm.

To learn more, please visit our website, or contact Brian Hubbard.


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