Minnesota Youth Voice Concerns and Recommendations to State Legislators

ST. PAUL, MINN. (March 10, 2015) – On March 13, an expected 70 youth from across the state of Minnesota will gather for the 2015 Youth Day at the Capitol. The event is co-sponsored by Minnesota Alliance With Youth, Ignite Afterschool, Youthprise, Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board, Minnesota School-Age Care Alliance and YWCA of Minneapolis. Bringing together youth and youth advocates, Youth Day at the Capitol is an effort to educate policy makers about the issues that face Minnesota’s youth every day, and share youth ideas and perspectives. The event will include training on meeting with legislators, one-on-one meetings with legislators and an opportunity to participate in the Minnesota Youth Council Committee.
Event Schedule
2:00 p.m.: Advocate Prep Session with Senator Kevin Dahle at Christ Lutheran Church
3:00 p.m.: Youth meetings with legislators
4:30-6:30 p.m.: MYC Committee Meeting
In 2013, thanks to the 2013 Omnibus E-12 Education Act, the Minnesota Legislature formally recognized the work of the MYC, passing into law the Minnesota Youth Council Committee Bill, which establishes the MYC as a voice for youth to provide advice and recommendations to the legislature and the governor on issues affecting youth and to serve as a liaison for youth around the state to the legislature and the governor.
Since its inception, the Committee has heard bills on school transportation and infrastructure, the Safe and Supportive Schools Act, voting rights, teacher tenure and more. At the March 13 meeting, the MYC Committee will hear HF947 on afterschool funding, HF581 Homeless Youth Act, and HFs 485/486 regarding alcohol consumption under 21 with parent approval.
Zach Correia, a junior at Woodbury High School and Minnesota Youth Council member, looks forward to Youth Day at the Capitol, saying that he hopes “that from our legislative meeting that we are able to give some valuable insight on bills to their sponsors. We are here to provide a voice that is normally not heard and without a doubt I know that we will be able to bring it.”