Minnesota Youth Council

Jamie Keith Serves Third Year as AmeriCorps Promise Fellow

February 3, 2014
Jamie is a Promise Fellow who helps with the Minnesota Youth Council (a statewide network of youth and adult representatives from every congressional district), the Leadership Crew (MYC members who’ve served for two or more years), and our partners at the Minnesota Department of Education.
Jamie Keith Serves Third Year as AmeriCorps Promise Fellow

By Essence Blakemore, Minnesota Youth Council Member

AmeriCorps Promise Fellow and MYC member

Jamie is a Promise Fellow who helps with the Minnesota Youth Council (a statewide network of youth and adult representatives from every congressional district), the Leadership Crew (MYC members who’ve served for two or more years), and our partners at the Minnesota Department of Education.

She found out about the position looking for a new job online that involved working with youth. She first served as a Promise Fellow and adult partner to me at Ramsey Junior High, in my first year as an MYC member. From working that job, she heard about the position at the Alliance and she knew this would be the perfect job for her!

She believes Promise Fellows are important because they help with the achievement gap we have in Minnesota, talk about institutional racism, and help students overcome barriers. Some schools don’t have funding or resources to do these things.

Jamie says this is one of the most important and rewarding jobs she’s ever worked in her life. She loves everything she’s accomplished with youth, and enjoys listening to and working with them.

Blakemore, Essence. “Jamie Keith Serves Third Year as AmeriCorps Promise Fellow.” Promise Press 17.1 (Winter 2014): 5. Print.