By: Ashley Roemhildt, AmeriCorps Promise Fellow serving at TCU Le Center K8

"Even though I don't see my students in person, I haven’t stopped the tutoring group I started at the beginning of the year! I meet with 6 students via Google Hangout everyday for an hour and 15 minutes like we normally have been. This is a great time for students to ask any questions or collaborate ideas with other students.
Another twist on distance learning, and getting students involved is I will be setting up Kahoot Study Groups. I have a Google Classroom, and I am working on setting up Kahoots for reviews. Students will have a link that they can access at a certain time from their chrome books to participate. They will be able to stream the Kahoot from their Chromebooks and will be able to play it from their phones. This is a fun and interactive way to get students involved outside of their normal online day.

Additionally, staff members at Tri-City United Schools did a ‘Titan Train’ around our community, in Le Center, to see our students while social distancing. This was a great way to stay involved, let our students know how much we love and miss them, and have a little “pep rally” to prepare for our distance learning days! It was so nice to see all their happy faces.
Although we have changed to an online platform my dedication to these kiddos has not changed one bit. The amount of overwhelming emails and “I miss you” messages from my students makes me proud to call myself an AmeriCorps Promise Fellow. Proud to serve with Minnesota Alliance With Youth!"