Promise Fellows

Partnering with AmeriCorps Promise Fellows at Minneapolis Public Schools

May 15, 2024
With Promise Fellows and the Check & Connect program, Minneapolis Public Schools is taking on the challenge of chronic absenteeism.
Partnering with AmeriCorps Promise Fellows at Minneapolis Public Schools

Published by the National Partnership for Student Success

In school year 2021-22, chronic absenteeism increased sharply to a rate of 51% in Minneapolis Public Schools owing to a number of factors during the pandemic. Since its height in the 2021-2022 school year, chronic absenteeism has been declining in the district—falling 12 points to 39% last academic year and continued positive momentum this year.

To combat absenteeism, the district employed multiple strategies within an effective intervention system, leveraging a longstanding partnership with Minnesota Promise Fellows to implement and expand a Check & Connect program—an evidence-based strategy developed in Minneapolis Public Schools in partnership with the University of Minnesota highlighted in the U.S. Department of Education What Works Clearinghouse. With long-term sustained support, Check & Connect staff build relationships with chronically absent students that serve to connect them with a trusted adult, build a sense of belonging with their school community, and take pride in learning.

AmeriCorps Promise Fellows and Minneapolis Public Schools Check & Connect program have had a strong partnership for nearly twelve years resulting in growth and capacity building district-wide of the Check & Connect model with limited funding. AmeriCorps Promise Fellows work side by side with Check & Connect Monitors, school social workers, counselors, and teaching staff to build strong relationships and a sense of belonging with students who are struggling with attendance, academics, and persistence in learning.

In their roles, Promise Fellows add capacity to the district’s attendance strategy by implementing a variety of supports to keep students involved in their education: monitoring attendance, grades, credits, offer academic support and facilitating collaboration between the school, home, and community services to build student engagement in learning and a sense of belonging.